Holy Lord, within your church, your followers have often allowed theirdisagreements to get in the way of being faithful to your word. Remove any barriers our communities face that prevent us from sharing your word and building up your church.
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 4th Sunday of Easter
Messiah, Jesus, your followers established churches in communities near and far. Take us outside of ourselves and teach us to give away what you have given to us. Show us how to witness to your presence in places near and far.
Sunday, April 14, 2024, 3rd Sunday of Easter
Holy Lord, your followers gave to your children something more powerful and more valuable than riches. They gave healing and hope. Bring healing and hope into our world and show us evidence of your presence in our lives.
Sunday, April 7, 2024, 2nd Sunday of Easter
Lord Jesus, after your death and resurrection you sent your followers into the world to proclaim your resurrection to the entire world. Send us into the world to bear witness to all you have done in our lives.
Sunday, March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday
This is the day the Lord has made! Christ is risen, and through him all creation is made new! With the women at the tomb, we are astonished, grateful, sent forth to proclaim in joy the good news of God’s endless love.