Holy One of Israel, King David worked hard to return the Ark of the Covenant to Israel so that the people could honor you in your house of worship. Receive our praise in this house of worship, as we rejoice in your presence. Amen.
Sunday, October 15th, 2023, 20th Sunday After Pentecost
Ruth, a woman and a foreigner in a time of patriarchy and nationalism, is put forth as a pinnacle example of faithfulness and devotion to both the people of Israel through Naomi and to God because of Naomi. This foreign woman then becomes the one through whom God works to restore grieving Naomi and becomes […]
Sunday, October 8th, 2023, 19th Sunday After Pentecost
Freed from slavery, the people of Israel are invited to commit to living in covenantal relationship with God throughout the generations. Rather than inviting enfettered freedom, this relationship is marked by boundaries and expectations meant to allow the whole community to thrive. We too, living in full relationship with God, are called to obedience to […]
Sunday, October 1st, 2023, 18th Sunday After Pentecost
When faced with the unusual presence of an unconsumed burning bush, Moses has the curiosity and wisdom to turn aside to explore it further. This act of turning aside led God to call him to the task of being God’s messenger of salvation to the enslaved Hebrews in Egypt. When have we turned aside to […]
Sunday, September 24th, 2023, 17th Sunday After Pentecost
Like most relationships, our life of faith in God experiences times of struggle just as Jacob wrestled with God during his journey home to face his estranged brother, Esau. While he walked away from this wrestling match with a limp, he also went forth with a blessing and a new name, Israel, meaning “one who […]
Sunday, September 17th, 2023, 16th Sunday After Pentecost
As we welcome new members to this faith community, we celebrate the unexpected grace of God that is so absurdly wonderful it leads to laughter from Sarah and Abraham and from us today.